MIRROR OF FATE is fixed for each person and it depends on your birth data. It's a Tarot or Lenormand profile reflecting a particular astrological chart.
The spread describes two levels, with the same string of cards, a marvelous particularity of Lenormand to be able to tell several parallel stories with just a few symbols:
1. personality level (which is the real vehicle of our fate)
2. destiny level, the life path in several areas and combined
For these two dimensions of the reading, we use as reading instruments the 5 personal planets and the North Node (life path) as they are written in the chart, to which I added the Ascendant, as personal contribution to the spread.
Decan ruler
This way, a spread of 3 cards is built for each level of the reading.
For example, for the Sun which describes your personality, we look at its sign and we find out the first card, and this card shows how you best express your personality (the sign of your Sun); then we add a second card which represents the ruler of the decan where your Sun lies, and this card is a clarifier for the first, it gives an additional personalized layer to your Sun position; finally the third card corresponds to the astrological house of the Sun and it shows the life area where you are most likely to shine, to show your personality. (see example below).
Together, these 3 cards describe not only your personality (dimension 1) but also your destiny on that specific level: destiny in love, career, general karma etc. (dimension 2) as it is shown by the spread.
Having 3 cards for each personal planet and the North Node, plus 2 cards for the Ascendant, this becomes a comprehensive 20 cards spread.
What exactly it describes?
1. ASC (2 cards) - your physical appearance; how you are perceived as general presence; the major motor behind your fate, your guiding star
2. Sun (3 cards) - your basic personality; life events related to it; potential for success and where and how it manifests; general fate
3. Moon (3 cards) - your emotional nature and needs; how you express them; events with strong emotional impact
4. Mercury (3 cards) - communication and mental processes; intellectual activity, job and interests; the life sector where you best express your mind and skills; the important message of your current incarnation
5. Venus (3 cards) - love nature; likes/dislikes; how you express yourself in love; love events and your love-related fate in this incarnation, namely how your love life will be
6. Mars (3 cards) - your actional profile; drive, motivation, force, action; sexuality; how you best express yourself on these levels; important events on Mars level
7. NN (3 cards) - your Karma in this life, events, lessons and best achievements, what is essentially destined for you to live
Let's take a look at E's Mirror of Fate with Lenormand: she is a Cancer Sun and ASC.
In terms of physical appearance, we can see here that E is probably of medium height, with a special, enigmatic, perhaps darker face, strongly lunar, in shape but also as energy. The eyes are big, watery, mysterious. She may have well-defined eyebrows, slightly thicker, replicating the shape of the moon and almond-shaped eyes. These eyes sometimes look like puppy (watch the dog) or sheep eyes, soft, tender, loving, adorable, disarming. Brown, hazel or maybe blue eyes if we look at the bluish Moon, but still the brown is more prominent in the combination. Since Fox is usually associated with fur, hair, she must have beautiful, rich hair. She moves fast, as the Fox, but at the same time the two cards seen together point to feline, smooth, undetected presence, the kind of person who can startle you, behind your back, moving in silence, like a cat. We have here a Fox surviving in the harsh winter, a symbol for austerity, which makes us think she is probably thin and even wiry in body.
She is perceived by her entourage as silent, enigmatic, mysterious, alluring, fascinating, secretive, but at the same time adaptable, flexible, intelligent, caring. The sharpness of the Fox, the innocent, child-like, ready to please energy of the Sheep.
Since the Fox is the mind, our mental processes, and the Moon is our emotional, intimate life, but also mysteries, the unconscious on one hand, and the mystery of worldly success on another, the Moon-Fox pair has various meanings derived of such a combo: one of the main meanings is the ability to seduce and be seduced with the works of the mind, which creates the potential for illusions, but also imagination and the ability to tell stories, to fascinate, to have an aura of drama and mystery. In other words, the ability to create illusions and a magical world. A Moon-Fox person is a magician, an illusionist. This is also a classical combination for psychic gifts, especially empathy. As you can see from the Fox card, it depicts a major esoteric and archetypal symbol: the mirror of the soul; the Fox and its reflection. In combination with the Moon, it creates the ability to read into souls, but also a tendency to replicate the energy of the environment, which makes us think E is a bit of an emotional shapeshifter, and also absorbs the energy of the environment quite easily, for good or bad.
As a short conclusion, we may say that she is seen as blending in, if she wants to, but keeping an aura of seclusion, mystery and existential solitude about her, which most likely is perceived by others as either power, or weakness, but always fascination, at the same time.
This is a very spiritual combination and in the end it shows the main drive and source for E’s life force and life path is the search of spirituality, the desire to create a spiritual connection with the environment, and also the pursuit of stories and enigmas in need of solving.
She is a natural detective and spy.
The spread for the Sun doesn’t look very sunny, does it? Don’t get fooled, for the Bear is a strong solar card and it is considered the equivalent of the Strength card in Tarot, a Leo Card.
As personality, E is very emotional and at the same time a deep thinker. With the Moon and Neptune together, the Moon and the Clouds, we can see that her moods are very changeable and she may even suffer from a slight form of emotional ups and downs (slightly bi-polar) and sometimes she can be so sensitive to the environment, that her moods are like the weather and can even change with it. These ups and downs will be felt mostly during the first half of her life, because the ultimate destiny of how her personality is meant to be expressed, as we can see from the house position (the 1st house), Bear, mirroring Moon, is to overcome all the shadows of the passing Clouds and become a matriarch: emotional strength. But also motherhood, which seems to be a very important theme of her life. With the Clouds in the middle splitting the mother combination, it is possible during her childhood E experienced some difficult emotions and events in relation to her mother, that have shaped her a lot, and part of her task is to bring clarity on the sky of these accumulated emotions, to heal her anger and resentment (Bear) and to become a nurturer herself. Both the Moon and Bear cards have strong nurturing themes, and they show us E is indeed a nurturer of others, protecting and caring, a mama bear for her dear ones.
With Clouds in the middle, this time in their role as the King of Clubs, the epitome of the business man, and flanked by two managerial cards such as the Moon and the Bear, we see that E is destined to be her own boss and to perhaps guide other as well, although there is no team here, so my guess is that she will express her personality in a career where she can work mostly by herself, control her environment and make her own schedule.
The whole combination also indicates a marriage later in life, with a King of Clubs-type, more mature partner, and the couple will focus a lot on parenthood. A stable and prosperous material life is also indicated in connection with this marriage.
E has a more than vivid imagination, very rich and complex, with both the Moon and the Clouds together. She is compassionate, kind and feels and suffers the pains of those around her, and can resonate to those of the world, very strong empath. One of her life tasks is to overcome the moods, and the shadow of depression, with the Clouds card in the middle, a tendency to day-dream, to escape, to trip, to “fantasize” her life. The Bear is a strong symbol of awakening, and although the Bear is a solitary animal, looking at the bee in the card waking up our Bear here from his long hibernation, it is likely E will know at least one partner, or mentor, in her life who will give a sense of strength and awakening to her and bring clarity to her sense of purpose.
She probably works in periods, such as the Bear, hibernating for a while, and then able to work very hard for a short period of time when she uses a huge amount of energy and personal resources, and during each she has a tendency to overwork and then perhaps she feels a little depleted of energy and needs to rest again. Like the Bear.
The Moon is sunnier than the Sun, this is lovely, E’s emotional nature is vibrant, feisty, and very rich, like a garden in bloom. There is great power of seasonal regeneration here, and it is likely the sunny seasons, spring and summer make her feel good, regenerate cyclically . We see restlessness with the Stork, but also someone who is committed to their long-term friends, who has a deeply maternal and caring emotional personality, with the Stork as an universal symbol of parenthood. There is a lot of femininity in all three cards, and the Stork is in fact the Queen of Hearts, a lovely, soft, caring, social, feminine, bubbly queen. E has a great sense of humor, that perhaps she shows better to her close friends, and can be goofy and very fun and playful. She is generous and the Bouquet, together with the Garden, shows a plethora of skills for anything happening with people and involving mediation work, public relations, beautifying places and people. She would probably be a great advisor for beauty tips, for both genders, and makeovers, in general. The emotional combo of a sustainable, skilled motivator and trainer.
Her emotional life will get better and better, with age. She feels like blooming among friends and dear ones, who help her enjoy the pleasures of life, and always open new opportunities and perspectives for her to use both her sunny talents, and her magnetic Plutonian nature for the benefit of all (the Garden). It is likely that the second part of her life will take place in a vivid, colorful, happy environment, full of dear friends, parties, celebration and events. Going to exhibitions, cinema, theatre, reading, have a strong impact on her emotional life, more like with other people, offering inspiration and fortifying her vivid imagination. She will have the chance to display her emotions to the public by means of creative work such as visual arts, literature, poetry.
E’s mind is a fantasy world, an entire city or even country, populated with many characters, dreams and stories. We can see here a strong, victorious mind, great sense of humor, many talents and skills (the Bouquet is generally a card of richness of talents) and also a good speculative sense, if we consider the Fish a card of money and mathematics as well! She has the tendency to beautify things a little, and probably sees people and life events in a better light, initially. This spread indicates a very prolific creative imagination, and also the talent to convince and a karma of finding allies, especially unusual, artistic, open minded personalities. Based on this string, we can expect her greatest success in life to come from a creation or creations of her mind. She will find an important ally/supporter who will help her to give a tangible form to those and maybe teach her how to give a monetary value to her imaginative skills.
In terms of the mind, she needs constant stimulation from the environment, despite her imagination being so rich, and enjoys interacting with foreigners and since we are talking Mercury here, and we see two different countries, continents even: Africa and Asia, Egypt and Japan, this Mercury spread shows that E might speak at least one foreign language and that she will travel to beautiful (Bouquet) distant lands and have many international friends.
Her tastes are eclectic, she is a cosmopolitan, she enjoys parties, food, drinks and possibly cooking as well.
E’s love life is not the easiest part of her life path. The spread indicates prolonged periods of solitude, sadness, depression and pain, but at the same time the ability of the vivacious Fox in the middle, which in Lenormand corresponds to Pluto, to survive and regenerate and eventually find that fated partner (Moon+ Cross) this Fox mirrors. It is likely this partner will come when E doesn’t expect him to, and the meeting seems to be connected to her work. There is a sense of sleep in this string, and the scarcity of the last days of winter, so E’s story in love is a little like Sleeping Beauty, being awaken by a kiss. In my readings, the Fox comes up many times as the Kiss, being one card in which the character “drinks”.
For the first part of her life, in terms of how E expresses herself in love, it is possible that the veil of illusion created by the Moon Fox combination to have given her a sense of disappointment, disenchantment and eventually pain. She may have had the tendency to see people in a way that suits her imagination and a love dream she has rather than how they actually are. But this pain, the pain of the Cross, will eventually become an emotional test, a trial by fire, turning her into a Fox: Fox, among its many meanings, embodies our learning from our own mistakes, piercing the veil of illusion and looking at the truth, especially about ourselves, in the water mirror, and then “drinking” that truth. This is the moment when E’s love life will change, after confronting her own shadow she projects in relationships.
We can see here that E is probably not very strong in body, she looks like what is called the “nervous” type, thin, walking and moving fast , with great dexterity, athletic, but in a delicate way. Mars also stands for our body and the way we move. This spread completes the same impression we found with the ASC, the same type. The Dog however has a different kind of strength, which comes from good instincts and the ability to work “like a dog”, a different kind of stamina. Work and play must be E’s motto, or let’s say a work that allows her to play, move, create, integrate, communicate. She loves to talk, but also to listen. Her style of action is “watch me do”, so we see here someone who acts rather quickly, and is able to do it all by herself. But the presence of the Dog shows us E will have many friends and again we have this feeling she will have a lot of helpful friends, especially during the second part of her life.
In her intimate life, for E it is important that the partner is a kin, a good friend, with similar tastes and able to communicate and express feelings and thoughts eloquently, communication is paramount for intimacy, and so are loyalty, playfulness (Dog) and a sense of intellectual communion (Birds).
Here we can also see the partner, for a woman’s Mars is one of the main indicators for the partner in a chart, and the Birds ( a major couple card) mirroring Dog (which stands for partner and even soulmate) flanking the woman show this partner will bring a sense of compatibility, stability, loyalty and complement her desire for action. With him, she will be able to “do” many things she hasn’t done before, but perhaps thought about, many times. The Birds, especially the Owls, are the planning part of our mind, and a new kind of action, and the time to see all these plans coming to fruition, will be experienced by E when the Dog comes into the picture (it’s funny to see that the Dog in Mystical Lenormand is actually posing for a portrait).
This is a delightful spread for a life path, for it depicts two major “life” and “path” cards, the Tree of Life, and the Rider, such a beautiful metaphor here for our life as a “ride”. Being the “heart of the spread”, this Rider tells us E’s life will be quite a journey. On a karmic level, the Tree opening the spread shows E as an old soul, close to their final incarnations, a feeling that is emphasized by Tree mirroring Fish, a symbol of the eternal soul.
Life as a river, life as a tree.
With the Tree in the beginning it is likely that E’s first half of life and her childhood to have felt magical in a way, but at the same time, moving slower than the other part, for around the age of 33-35 her life should begin to speed up, but at the same time take a deeply spiritual turn. The rhythm is changed as if by the bite of the Snake on the horse of the Rider. Issues of past lives, patience, waiting, memories, family, childhood (Tree) would be processed, alchemically burned and turned into individuality (the Fish). Her financial life will also get better with time and the second part brings wealth, connections, power. But the ultimate karmic meaning of E’s life is transgressing solitude and reuniting with a lost partner, a lost dear soul from the past (Tree + Rider + Fish).