I asked Lenormand to convey an essential message for the New Moon in Libra we experience today.
Remember relationships need steady anchoring. The renewed Libra influence is emphasizing the danger to experience cardinal relational loss if we neglect our friends and the principle of fairness. Learn to build and maintain a solid, consistent foundation with loved ones, collaborators and friends. If you feel lonely or lost, it is likely you have neglected people who are counting on you and that you can count on in the future. They need your love and encouragement. It's time to become supportive and consistent with those you want to keep in your life. This is a turning point to decide which relationships are worth working for and to act accordingly. Keep your commitments. Keep to your words. Be present.
Remember relationships need steady anchoring. The renewed Libra influence is emphasizing the danger to experience cardinal relational loss if we neglect our friends and the principle of fairness. Learn to build and maintain a solid, consistent foundation with loved ones, collaborators and friends. If you feel lonely or lost, it is likely you have neglected people who are counting on you and that you can count on in the future. They need your love and encouragement. It's time to become supportive and consistent with those you want to keep in your life. This is a turning point to decide which relationships are worth working for and to act accordingly. Keep your commitments. Keep to your words. Be present.