The last Eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo series is bound to bring a major energy shift towards Aquarius (and Leo axis), a "ring of fire" harnessing the power of the Fire Rooster this year. We can see here a significant Phoenix theme, but coming in unexpected ways, out of the depths of the vast ocean of Neptune in Pisces on the South Node: the fire of the future, the fire of desire emerges out of washing the past of the South Node with our power to forgive ourselves and others, to cast away broken dreams and alliances, illusions, false hopes, unneeded wishes and rise again like a sunrise over the sea. Many will face necessary endings around this time, with the help of the universe, and then feel an overwhelming call towards finally embarking on a new yet long-awaited journey, the eternal quest of all heroes: manifestation of one's highest potential, careless and fearless of consequences. Only the call of the fire over water will matter, at the very moment of darkness over light, so hang onto it.