1. Ascendant Persona: giving you more clues about your ASC (The ASC in a natal chart is a “persona” in itself, the mask, the way we project to others, first impression, our natural immediate reaction, the physical and overall appearance). The Ascendant in the ASC Persona Chart and other overall aspects and houses would give additional clues about the physical appearance. For example, a woman with ASC in Capricorn in the solar chart with ASC in Aries in the Ascendant Persona: Capricorn physical traits, but also athletic, energetic, with direct blunt movements and gestures and possibly Aries features. Going after things in an Aries manner.
2. Midheaven Persona: will tell you a lot about your most suitable career and vocation, an excellent tool for career predictions, but we must also consider there is much more to the Midheaven, it is a point describing your "life peak", so the overall Midheaven Persona describes how you get to this peak, in what circumstances, with what tools, and as a result of what events, and what this peak means, in your current incarnation.
4. Moon Persona: your emotional personality, needs, Yin energy. In terms of synastry: the Anima of the man.
5. Venus Persona: our “love” personality, how we behave in love, tastes, preferences. Love, beauty, talents, likes, dislikes, another level of Yin energy, sensuality, social success, money, good fortune. In terms of the synastry: a woman’s femininity, a man’s “type”. A Venus Persona ASC offers clues about the type of "beauty" that person has and likes. For example, a man with a Capricorn ASC in the solar chart, ASC in Libra in the Venus Persona: saturnian in appearance, but also beautiful and graceful, more airy than a regular Cap, more charming than the usual Cap etc. but the Cardinal flavor is getting even stronger, so is Saturn more distilled in expression. This Persona will also describe at least a big part of the portrait of his ideal woman.
6. Mars Persona: sexuality, drive, physical body, assertion, Yang energy. In terms of synastry, clues about a woman’s “type”.
7. Mercury Persona: “mental” personality, general mobility, communication, expressiveness, thought processes, skills.
8. Jupiter Persona Chart - luck, expansion, expansive nature, growth potential, teaching, learning, travel, success
9. Saturn Persona Chart - adulthood, maturity, structure, needs, fears, accomplishments
10. Uranus Persona Chart - freedom, originality, creativity, expansion, travel, surprises, the unexpected in your life
11. Neptune Persona Chart - dreams, higher love, spirituality, talents, soul, compassion, redemption, illusion, deep psychology, unexpected tides
12. Pluto Persona Chart - potential for transformation, rebirth, major life events, psychological evolution, potential for power, shared resources, deep sexuality, needs
13. DSC Persona Chart - a profile of how you are as a partner, what partner is suitable for you and what partner you will eventually have
14. IC Persona Chart - your deepest "heart" and heart's desires profile, vertical look at your personality and psychology, subconscious forces at play, early life background and how you carry it in time, family ties, current incarnation theme
15. Juno Persona Chart - description of your partnership style and needs and of your ideal and destined partner
These are just the main examples. The analysis of a Persona chart always takes into account the position occupied by that planet in the natal chart, as ruler, but also its role as part of the astrological architecture. For example, someone with Sun conjunct Neptune in the solar chart would look at his Neptune Persona to understand his overall personality, the type of Neptune associated with his solar personality. He would be a dreamer, an artist, a magician or a charismatic crook: but what kind of dreamer, artist, magician, crook? This will be shown by his Neptune Persona. Another example, someone with Pluto conjunct the ASC; his Pluto Persona would define his general personality, he is Plutonian for sure, in looks and behavior, but the way he manifests “his” Pluto will be shown by his Pluto Persona chart.
The main personalization here comes from rulership, first and foremost, and in all cases. The Moon Persona of a Cancer DSC is not just his general emotional profile, but also his DSC profile, as explained above.
How to interpret a Persona chart? Some succinct basic steps...
1. The Ascendant: first impression about that side of our personality (the Persona), the way we tend to express it spontaneously and in a natural way, how we appear to others (for example, emotionally, for a Moon chart).
2. The Descendant: what type of partner we are, related to that specific archetype, how we relate emotionally (Moon), mentally (Mercury), in love (Venus) etc. What partner we prefer in that specific interaction. And finally, what partner we tend to attract on the level described by that specific Persona.
3. The Midheaven: the best expression of that archetype, what we can achieve when we fully express that archetype, the “vocation” and “final accomplishment” of that archetype within ourselves. The “fate” of that planetary energy. How important is that archetype for us. Here we have clues about the importance of that planetary energy within ourselves, on the MC/IC axis. How we can “blossom”, how we are when we “blossom”, in terms of that archetype. From my personal comparisons, I’ve noticed when a planet/archetype is important for that person, there are significant planets/asteroids in the 4th house or on IC in that specific Persona chart. That planetary energy is a “matter of the heart” for that person, touches his/her core.
4. NN/SN: what we already master, related to that archetype, and what we need to develop within ourselves in order to fully express that planet. Also, clues about important events related to that planet.
And then we proceed with our analysis looking at houses, rulers of houses and aspects to describe that planetary personality, just like we do it with a solar chart. The Sun in the Persona chart is the planet we analyze, so its house and sign in the Persona chart is paramount in understanding the planetary personality. Looking at houses, we can see how the planetary energy manifests itself in various areas of life. For example, in a Moon chart, you can see what area of life affects that person on a deep emotional level. How he expresses his emotions (1st), what values he holds dear, how stable his emotions are (2nd), how he communicates his emotions, how connected they are with his intellect (3rd), general strong emotionality (4th), how emotional he is in love, creation, children, play etc. (5th), everyday life and health (6th) –emotional problems could be seen here if they are, how he expresses emotions in partnership/the type of emotional partner preferred (7th), how he expresses emotions sexually, transformation, secrets (8th) an so on.
Finally, the planetary aspects in a Persona chart will offer an invaluable additional insight into the aspects you have to that planet in your solar chart, and the general configuration of your solar chart. For example, if you have a Venus/Uranus aspect in your natal chart, you will notice that the aspects to Venus and Uranus in the Venus Persona chart will offer a surprising perspective on what that Venus/Uranus aspect actually means and how it is likely to manifest, in terms of psychological energy and life events.