Today, the last day of January, the sky is lit up by a rare astrological phenomenon: a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse that is also Blue (the second full moon of the month) and a Supermoon (perigee Moon).
The marvel happens at 11.37 ° Leo, opposing Sun and Venus conjunct in Aquarius. Lunar Eclipses in general emphasize an emotional and often relational turning point, although at times, especially on the Ego axis of Leo (self, personal)/ Aquarius (collective, impersonal), the relational switch is bound to happen on two levels: between two dimensions of the self (inner split-and-recompose), and also between individual and the collective (outer encounter with the power of the collective). Hello, my dear ones, may you have the most joyful holidays and a magical 2018! This year we are in for a treat, I decided it's time to explore the year ahead with some of the most popular and beloved readings in my shop. 6 beauties are here, waiting for you in New Arrivals, the fresh new forecast readings for 2018! Enjoy, and stay tuned for a surprise the next following days, a general world forecast for 2018 explored with all these methods. Happy Holidays! I asked Lenormand to convey an essential message for the New Moon in Libra we experience today.
ANCHOR Remember relationships need steady anchoring. The renewed Libra influence is emphasizing the danger to experience cardinal relational loss if we neglect our friends and the principle of fairness. Learn to build and maintain a solid, consistent foundation with loved ones, collaborators and friends. If you feel lonely or lost, it is likely you have neglected people who are counting on you and that you can count on in the future. They need your love and encouragement. It's time to become supportive and consistent with those you want to keep in your life. This is a turning point to decide which relationships are worth working for and to act accordingly. Keep your commitments. Keep to your words. Be present. When you ask the same question with both Tarot and Lenormand... It often happens this way, and it is a perpetual wonder. Among the many visual and symbolic similitudes, notice the egg (which can also be seen as a "keyhole" of completion and opening), the numerical dance of 21, 22 and 2 and of course the crossing/crossroad - present in both 2 of Pentacles and the Crossroads. I love cards!
...FOR A BRIGHT NEW FUTURE. The last Eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo series is bound to bring a major energy shift towards Aquarius (and Leo axis), a "ring of fire" harnessing the power of the Fire Rooster this year. We can see here a significant Phoenix theme, but coming in unexpected ways, out of the depths of the vast ocean of Neptune in Pisces on the South Node: the fire of the future, the fire of desire emerges out of washing the past of the South Node with our power to forgive ourselves and others, to cast away broken dreams and alliances, illusions, false hopes, unneeded wishes and rise again like a sunrise over the sea. Many will face necessary endings around this time, with the help of the universe, and then feel an overwhelming call towards finally embarking on a new yet long-awaited journey, the eternal quest of all heroes: manifestation of one's highest potential, careless and fearless of consequences. Only the call of the fire over water will matter, at the very moment of darkness over light, so hang onto it.
As our journey continues, a crisis was needed to move away from the bondage of the past, our inner shackles in Trump XV - The Devil (mentalities, fear, dogma, bias, clinging to outdated constructs, resisting change).
Based on Life Path cards with cartomancy, some famous Clubs.
You can find your life path card here: The cards of life Led Zeppelin IV THE HERMIT Go inside. Be quiet. Praise your mind. Seek counsel. Help. ...and seek help. Sit still until you understand. Truth at all costs. You need more. Time for a quest! |
February 2018